Life Skills and Independence
While at home, supporting your child in being able to communicate their needs is key. Now is the time to teach them skills that could support them through to adulthood.
Making a sandwich
Cleaning up after dinner
Making their bed
Tidying their room
Reading a sibling a bedtime story
Crossing the road safely
Using the toilet
Washing their hands independently
Using the shower / bath independently
Changing their clothes (with specific things they might find hard such as tying shoelaces)
Engaging in reciprocal dialogue (e.i. when someone askes them a question, they ask a question back)
Introducing themselves to a family friend
Have a go at some of these activities:
Below there are some home activity suggestions as well as a guide from the Department for Education as to activities children commonly undertake by each year at school. They are not essential, but they do give children a wide experience of things across their Primary Lives. These experiences are equally important for children with SEN. Go through this and see if there are any you'd like to do with your child (that are safe and allowed with current guidelines). Start at Reception as there may be one or two there that you might find fun that you have never tried!