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School Council

Welcome to our School Council page. Here you will find out everything you need to know about the School Council including how to become a member, what the School Council does and the roles and responsibilities of members.  Global Citizenship Lead helps to run the School Council. 

How do you become a member of School Council?

Every year at the end of September we hold our School Council Elections. All the children learn about democracy in their Global Citizenship lessons and are encouraged to stand for election in one of our student bodies. Children can write or present their manifesto ideas to their class and the children vote on who should be their class representatives. When children are elected they receive a special School Council badge to wear so that all the children know who represents their voice.

Being a member of school council is a very responsible position as you have to have a lot of sensible ideas and sometimes have to do things in their lunch times. It gives you a chance to play an important part in the Moreland community and it is  exciting to share your ideas with others and help make changes that improve our school.

What does School Council do?

The School Council is very important and takes part in lots of activities including:

  • Listening to the concerns, views and ideas of other people
  • Sharing these ideas with the adults in the school
  • Coming up with ideas to help improve the school and make decisions
  • Thinking of ways to contribute to the school and local community
  • Fundraising events

The School Council meet regularly and are involved in making decisions about all aspects of school life. They consult with children in their classes and put forward suggestions to improve the school. They are involved in events and hold assemblies to report back to the rest of the school. There are suggestion boxes in all classrooms which the school council monitor and attempt to act on children's suggestions.

What have we been up to lately: