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PE and Sport

We have been working hard to ensure that our children benefit from high-quality P.E. instruction. Our P.E. provision was externally audited by AfPE association for physical education in January 2016 and we were awarded a Quality Mark for PE: “demonstrating good commitment to improvement in physical education and sport.”


At Moreland we believe it is important that as children grow and develop they understand the importance of physical activity in developing and maintaining their health and well-being. We aim to inspire our children to be healthy and active and to develop a passion for sport and they participate in a wide range of activities:

  • Fundamental skills
  • Net games (Tennis, Badminton)
  • Competitive games ( Tag Rugby, Football, Netball, Basketball, Cricket)
  • Gymnastics (Floor work, apparatus)
  • Athletics
  • Team building games
  • Dance
  • Swimming
  • Outdoor and adventure opportunities
  • Orienteering

Children do at least 2 hours PE a week and we follow the Complete PE scheme of work. We frequently work with PE coaches and specialists who work alongside teachers. We also have our own professional dance and drama teacher who teaches all year over the year.

The children are given opportunities to compete in inter-school events in a variety of sports and every child can take part in competitions within the school. We promote the idea of good sportsmanship and fair play in all our activities with an understanding that taking part is the most important thing.

Alongside competitions, we celebrate individual successes in Physical Education, recognising that personal achievement and attitude are often just as important as a win for the team.

Children are given the opportunity to swim from Year 3-6 in nearby Iron Monger Baths. Our aim is for all pupils leaving the school to be able to swim at least 25m.

Children in Key Stage 2 also have the chance to complete the National Cycling Proficiency scheme.
We provide a range of after-school clubs and extra-curricular sporting opportunities. Some of our clubs include Football, Netball, Rugby, Basketball, Dance and Kung Fu.  Sporting achievement is celebrated in whole-class assemblies and we encourage all children to take an active role in Physical Education and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Children get the opportunity to take part in adventurous activities and adventurous play through Islington's 11 by 11 access to local adventure playgrounds and through the school's residential trips in Year 5 and 6.


We ask that children bring a P.E. kit to change into. This should include: trainers and comfortable clothing for outdoor games and a t-shirt, vest, loose-fitting jogging bottoms, shorts, leggings etc. for P.E and Dance.


Children in Years 3 to 6 are required to bring a swimming cap to all swimming lessons. Boys should wear trunks but not ‘board shorts’. Girls are asked to wear one-piece swimming costumes. Children are allowed to wear goggles with parental permission. Please fill in the appropriate form in the school office.

Physical Education (PE) plays an integral role within the lives of our children. We provide a full curriculum that supports pupils to become physically confident, reinforce their health and fitness and develop individual talent.

Winners of the 2023 Islington Slaughter and May League (unbeaten)


Arsenal football tournament at the Emirates

Sports Tournaments and Competitions