Safeguarding Statement
Moreland Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which can be viewed in the Policies section of our website.
We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. All school staff are trained in Child Protection, and children are made aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns. Staff are trained to look out for signs of physical/emotional harm or neglect and are required to report these to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
We have a team of Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) that can be seen on posters around school.
Our DSL is Dominic Ebbasi (Pastoral Manager)
Our Deputy DSLs are
- Catherine Lawrence (Head teacher)
- Sophie Eleftheriou (Deputy Head Teacher)
- Dani Fisher-Munoz Assistant Head SENCO and Inclusion)
- Charmaine Doherty Carvalho (0-3 Manager)
School Holidays Only
- Sherren Macullum (0-3 Deputy Manager)
- Bobbie Robinson (Baby Room Lead)
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.
Safer Recruitment
In line with KCSIE 2024 the school will carry out an online search of all shortlisted candidates for all posts.